- CUALE A1: martes 29, 16:20 h.
- CUALE A2: mércores 30, 16:20 h.
- CUALE B1: xoves 1, 16:20 h
- CUALE B2: luns 28, 18:20 h.
Todos os niveis impartiranse na AULA 109 (planta baixa).
Todos os niveis impartiranse na AULA 109 (planta baixa).
Last October 2019, two teachers from our IES (Nieves and Claudio), along with other teachers from some CEIPs in Melide, took part in a refresher course in Edinburgh. There they also met teachers from other countries with whom they exchanged educational experiences, mainly related to bilingual sections.
They also had the opportunity to observe how schools work in the city of Dundee, collecting ideas for new projects to implement at IES de Melide.
This video is a summary of the experience.
Ábrese o prazo de matrícula para cursar os niveis A1 - A2 - B1 e B2 do programa CUALE-Inglés.
PRAZO: do 8 ao 15 do mes de setembro, ámbolos dous incluidos.